

5 Reasons Every Runner Needs Acupuncture

The Repetitive Nature Of Distance Running Almost Guarantees Overuse Injuries. Unless you are proactively working to correct the imbalances precipitated by a daily onslaught of unvaried movement, at some point you will probably succumb to injury.  Instead of waiting around for their ailments to heal, runners are increasingly turning to acupuncture to speed recovery [...]

3 Ways to Control Pain Without Drugs

3 ALTERNATIVES TO NSAIDS AND OTHER DRUGS I admit the following methods are decidedly unsexy. Unlike the latest and greatest pharmaceutical, these take a bit of work, a bit of time, and they certainly aren’t going to make anyone millions. They also don’t come with any nasty side effects besides a better mood, better overall [...]

By |2020-03-19T18:02:57+00:00April 9th, 2015|acupuncture, Diet, inflammation, Pain, Speeding Recovery|0 Comments